The Aesthetic Edge

6-Month Mastermind Programme

1:1 Coaching Led by Fiona Macaskill

Live Group Coaching Sessions on Key Topics Weekly

Expert Speakers

Video Content & Endless Resources

Peer Learning & Accountability

24/7 Question & Answer Access to Fiona

The Aesthetics Edge

6-Month Mastermind Programme

1:1 Coaching Led by Fiona Macaskill (via Zoom)

Live Group Coaching Sessions on Key Topics Weekly (via Zoom)

Expert Speakers (via Zoom)

Video Content & Endless Resources (Via online learning platform)

Peer Learning & Accountability (Via WhatsApp)

24/7 Question & Answer Access to Fiona (Via WhatsApp)

The Aim

The most comprehensive 6-month Aesthetics Business & Marketing programme on the market, uniquely designed to bring business brilliance to aesthetics and skin care practitioners who want to gain the aesthetic edge, rise above the ‘noise’ and stand out as a Destination Clinician & Clinic

Grow your destination clinic from deep roots to sustainable growth! Leave uncertainty behind and fill your diary with your Perfect Patients every day.

The Aesthetic Edge is the only programme of its kind that teaches you how to use business strategy, money mastery, sales psychology and multiple layers of magnetic marketing to attract your ‘Perfect Patient’ and create exceptional client relationships. Clients who trust and respect you, love what you do, and don’t question your value (without you having to spend hours on social media or learning the latest TikTok trends).

I'll teach you how to leverage your competitive advantage and become the ‘destination clinician’ you know you can be, so you can lean into your passion and command a higher price point, regardless of whether you work from home, rent a space, or own a salon, or you work in a low-income or highly competitive area.

This program is designed to grow revenue and deliver a transformational client experience.


Is this the right time to start or grow?

“Financial crisis”, “Cost of living crisis”, "Recession”...

You only need to turn on the news to be plunged into a feeling of doom and gloom, and this can be SO disheartening.

And although there are plenty of indictors pointing to a stronger economy to come, it's natural to want to consider battening down the hatches and riding it out when things feel tough.

BUT, did you know that now may actually be the perfect time to think about business planning and growth?

The statistics show that the Aesthetics world is one of the fastest-growing industries in the UK and worldwide.

So ignore the doomsday merchants - just make sure you do it right!

Before we step into this

life-changing programme….

Is this mastermind programme really for you?

Perhaps you're an aesthetics or skin care clinic owner, whose diary has got far more gaps than you care to mention, or you are struggling to even get started. One week you're booked solid, the next it's dead, getting people to commit (and then keeping them) feels like an uphill struggle, and you're thinking of giving up on your dream. Or maybe you have been treading water in the same position for months or years on end and you need to make that next leap?

Do you feel like you are pushing a boulder uphill, and you can’t wait to get to the top, but the top keeps disappearing?

You crave consistency, wishing you could feel financially secure enough to go ‘all in’ and give up your NHS work to run a clinic full of reliable 'perfect patients'?

You've tried what you know: offering deals, posting endlessly on social media and taking multiple courses to brush up your technical skills, but none of it seems to be working?

You're stuck in feast or famine mode, and it definitely doesn't feel like this is what you signed up for. But this is all you know, and you don't want to give up on your dream?

Your friends and family don't get it, they think you should be grateful you get to set your hours and be in control...

But it feels more like you are feeding the ‘business beast’, rather than the business providing for you!

You're probably still determined to make something of your business, grow and thrive and finally reap the rewards for all your hard work, but you're feeling defeated, and wondering, 'is it time to look for something else?'

Perhaps you've seen that other people appear to be packed for months in advance, and even have waiting lists after multiple price increases? What do they know that you don't? Can you even create that level of interest? Or are you destined to struggle, trying to build your business and still doing long hours in the NHS or working for someone else?

I'm here to tell you that not only do you deserve a business that feels strong, consistent, fulfilling and resilient... it's easier than you think.


An Aesthetics Clinician who's struggling to fill your diaries with a 'feast or famine' outlook.

Maybe you're ‘busy enough' yourself but want to stop trading all your time for money and want to take on staff so you can grow faster, thrive and take time out from injecting full time to create a sustainably scalable business

Perhaps you are a freelancer who's working from home or renting a space and are ready to step up and set yourself apart from your competition. You know you're capable of so much more, but you just need more consistency in your bookings and certainty in your business and marketing skills

Maybe you are a total newbie - full of passion and productivity, you just need to grab lots of lovely business and marketing ‘know-how’ asap and start the right way with strong business roots so you can thrive as fast as possible

If this is you….

You're in the right place, and I'm going to tell you exactly why you need the Aesthetic Edge! It will give you the business and marketing tools, inspiration, and unparalleled support on your journey to growing the business you've been dreaming of.

By The End of the 6 Month Mastermind, You Will:

Reset your marketing strategies: ditching the ‘loud’ marketing tactics and trends that aren’t working for you, mastering your marketing mindset so you can shift from staying small to earning big. Multi-layered, intentional marketing with a 12-month plan ready to go.

Have a forensically focused connection to your 'perfect patient': with a deep dive into who your perfect patient is (without the worry that you are narrowing your options). You’ll understand them so well it will feel like you are their best friend, who knows exactly what they need, how they want to be spoken to, and what their greatest fears are, without endless hustling on social media.

Become a pro at sales and buyer psychology: understand the principles of buyer psychology, so you can take what you know about your perfect patient and apply it to everything in your business from your customer journey to you treatment offering and pricing structure, onto your marketing! Create a marketing plan and multiple layers of content that make your perfect patient think you're a mind-reader, getting comments like, ‘I can’t believe no one told me that', ‘I didn’t think I would feel this positive about my options again’, ‘I feel seen and understood’!

You'll command a higher price point that aligns with your perfect patient: define your competitive aesthetics edge that makes you stand out as a destination clinician and clinic. Knowing that to your perfect patient, no one else in your area even compares. You know how to communicate your immense value and expertise in what you do - and so you can command a higher price point, whether you work from home, rent a space, or own your own clinic. It’s YOU they want… no one else.

Implement exact business strategies to boost bookings with your new multi-layered marketing plan: implement exact strategies for boosting your bottom line; no more leaving thousands of pounds for other practitioners to pick up! Understand your business finances, understand how to analyse your results and know which button to press and lever to pull until it’s all flowing in the right direction.

Discover ‘tech & tools’ to lock in advanced bookings, decrease cancellations and maximise re-bookings. Create a customer journey that leaves nothing to chance and nurtures your audience from initial contact to life-long customers. Craft your aesthetics edge using your expertise and your new-found business and marketing knowledge to stay ‘front-of-mind’ and grow your results month on month by using the ABC then D method.

Attract, Bolster, Convert all those leads and become a Destination Clinician

Who's going to give you the Aesthetic Edge?

NO secret formulas

NO 2-step programmes

NO quick fixes

Just, amazing, fantastic, real and actionable business knowlege that will get you where you want to be, ...

...with the right strategies and know-how, the right implementation and application, you can get there much faster than you ever imagined. At the moment you might only be at the 'hope stage' of your business, now is the time to turn hope into reality - it's not rocket science and

'Hope is not a strategy'

But learning the right marketing and business skills and staying accountable, is!

Just reach out and grab the knowledge now!

Who's going to give you The Aesthetic Edge?

The programme is designed and led by me, Fiona Macaskill.

I am a business owner with 25 years of key business knowledge. With years of aesthetic industry-specific expertise. I have successfully managed a large Clinic that handled between 250 to 300 paying appointments each month, as well as an Aesthetics Training Academy that conducted 25-30 training courses every month. I truly understand this business! I am a straightforward, no-nonsense business coach dedicated to providing you with the ‘Edge’ you need to thrive in this dynamic and exciting industry.

I've assisted hundreds of businesses across the UK, along with working with aesthetics companies in the USA. While some businesses require a deep dive, others benefit from a targeted boost. By sharing my proven growth strategies that are practical, easy to implement, and free from business jargon, I can guide you on your authentic journey to running the successful business you deserve.


Business Knowledge

Marketing Knowledge

Money Mastery

Destination Clinician & Clinic

My style of coaching is a little different, I'm not here to brain wash you with unrealistic 'quick fixes', I’m here to empower you! I want you to walk away from this programme with knowledge, power, confidence and resilience.

You will know exactly what to do next and when to do it!

And my guarantee to you: if you don’t feel that way at the end of 6 months, you just stay in the programme FREE OF CHARGE and keep accessing all the group sessions, all the resources, all the bonus elements, the peer learning, (not forgetting picking my brains ruthlessly whenever you need to) – until you are ready for phase two.

- The Maintenance Mastermind – Edge 2.0! –

I’m going to teach you how to think like the professional businessperson you need to be to get the business you want. You’ll have a competitive edge in your niche with your perfect patient, with a new set of tools and thought processes that you can apply ‘in real life’, again and again.

Business can - and should - be fun, rewarding emotionally and financially....and fundamentally straightforward, and I’d love to show you how!

So how does it work?

Since 2017, when I entered the Aesthetics industry I’ve watched medical professionals offering injectables and skin care therapists offering amazing results-led treatments, try to grow their businesses.

And I know (and have lived) what works and what doesn’t.

I was constantly frustrated to see clinicians accessing endless practical courses, spending thousands of pounds learning how to ‘do the do’ but never learning how to sell or market their services. And many people end up giving up having wasted thousands of pounds on training they never properly use.

So enough is enough. I decided to specialise in aesthetics business coaching to break this cycle. I've refined and distilled processes and strategies (on virtually every business topic you can think of), down the key strategies that will have the greatest impact on maximising profits and minimising stress, whilst also getting the return on the investment of all that lovely practical training!

I'm a firm believer in less is more and making things as easy as possible behind the scenes, so you can focus on doing what you do best - sharing your expertise with your high-value, perfect patients.

Unlike many online courses out there this is NOT just a bunch of random content, thrown together to pack out an online learning portal which you have to plough through, with little to no real support and mentorship.

I have intentionally designed this learning experience for you, so you get the best of EVERY style of learning and as it's LIVE online coaching - you can do it from anywhere and participate in the moment or catch up on record for additional flexibility.

1:1 Coaching with me

In-depth, juicy, fun, practical sessions once a month or more if needed.

Weekly Q & A Group Session

Based around the core modules so you can ask questions, review the learning and pick our business and marketing brains. (Daytime and evening sessions available in the month)

These will teach you EXACTLY how to transform your business into a patient magnet, generating maximum profits, without having to 'perform' on social media

Additional Group Coaching led by me & other Industry Experts on topics from:

  • Business Strategy

  • Planning (Business & Marketing)

  • Goal & Target Setting

  • Money Mastery

  • Multiple Layers of Marketing from Local to Digital

  • Websites & SEO

  • Copywriting (Blogs, Emails, Leaflets etc.)

  • Skincare Sales

  • Personal Profile Building

  • Managing Mindset

  • How to Delegate and Take on Employees or - - -Freelancers

  • The Customer Journey (The ABC and then D - Method)

  • AI & Tech

  • (Plus, for those who are very new to the industry or just starting out, there are bonus modules on Business Set-up from Ltd Companies to Booking systems to Location Planning)

Easy access videos for quick info

and to give you a memory boost if you need it


Endless resources & links to ‘useful stuff’

Peer learning & accountability sessions

Access via WhatsApp to message me 24/7

I don’t ever want you to get ‘stuck’, so I’m here to unstick you, support you, guide you and give you very straightforward practical advice, just when you need it


When you apply the strategies I outline in the programme, you’ll shift from feeding your ‘business beast’ to being served sustainably and abundantly by your business.

You will have created the perfect formula:

Excellent Practical Skills + Excellent Business

& Marketing Skills = Destination Clinician & Clinic

When you join, and commit to gaining your Aesthetic Edge:

You will receive a link to your Learning Platform with Resources and Videos.

You will join the main WhatsApp Group (opt out if preferred)

You’ll have a WhatsApp Chat ongoing with Fiona Macaskill

List of all the possible Group Session dates (3 months ahead)

Link to Fiona’s calendar to book your first 1:1 session.

(Onboarding 1:1, then one per month during the course. Course close 1:1 and onto Edge 2.0 if you want more!)

Your weekly classes will be recorded and available at intervals (so you can watch in your own time if you miss a session or want to recap). You'll have ample time to dive into the lessons and implement everything you've learned in your own business, before moving onto the next step.

We do this to protect your time, attention and focus - while sparing you from the overwhelm that stops most business owners in their tracks.

Aesthetic Edge:

Your Burning Questions Answered...

When can I start?

That's totally up to you! You can spend as little or as much time as you want. Remember, practice makes perfect!

How is the Mastermind delivered?

30 core game-changing Learning Modules delivered in multiple ways:

Monthly 1:1 Sessions. Weekly Group Sessions. WhatsApp Peer Learning Group, A library of bonus Worksheets, Templates and Resources to help you develop the skills to grow your business without overwhelm or fear. And access to me 24/7! All delivered over 6 months, learning at your own pace, booking appointments with me when you can make it work, attending group sessions as much as you can (lots of repeat & recorded sessions so you don’t need to worry if you miss one).

What support will I get if I get stuck?

Of course! WhatsApp group peer learning support. Post any questions into our weekly Q&A threads/groups. Message Fiona directly if you are really stuck and can’t find the answer. You can also dive into the ‘guides’ section of the Aesthetics Edge Learning Platform where heaps of helpful items lurk.

Still, have something you want to get clarity on? No problem! Just ask at the Live Group Sessions.

You should never feel like you can’t move forward inside the programme, all we ask is that you ask for help when you need it!

Where can I find my Aesthetic Edge content?

Your modules will be uploaded into your online class portal at each Month. You'll also get access to our exclusive, members-only WhatsApp group. In the 'guides' section, you'll find heaps of relevant posts and threads for each week of the curriculum.

What are my payment options?

You can either pay in full or split your payment into 3 or 6 instalments. If you pay in full, the full price will be collected as soon as you enrol. If you choose a payment plan, the first will be collected as soon as you enrol. The second payment will be automatically collected one month later, and then monthly after that, the next payments will automatically be collected until your payment plan is complete.

How much time will I need to spend each week on the programme?

I'd recommend scheduling 2-3 hours per week to work through the lesson and implement what you learn. You can definitely do more than this… there’s plenty to do – but this will allow you to make steady progress with working ‘ON’ your business not just ‘IN’ your business. On the weeks where you have your 1:1 session – you should allocate extra time to deep dive and think about everything that has been discussed – to make maximum use of the sessions.

Each week's Live Group Classes are around one hour.

How long do I have access to the programme material?

After our 6 months together, you'll get complimentary access to both your WhatsApp support group, and online course portal for 12 months from your enrolment date.

Following that, you'll get the option to stick around in our 'EDGE 2.0' membership, where you'll continue to keep access to your AESTHETICS EDGE classes and Q&A replays, for as long as you're a member.

Can I get a refund if I change my mind?

We're confident that AESTHETICS EDGE delivers heaps of value, but only if you implement it.

We have a 14 day 'try it, implement it, love it' guarantee, which you can read about in our AESTHTICS EDGE terms and conditions HERE.

This guarantee doesn't cover 'changes of mind' or 'buyer’s remorse', so please only enrol on AESTHETICS EDGE if you're prepared to commit to the programme and do the work required.

I've got more questions; how can I get in touch?

Drop us an email at [email protected] and we'll be happy to answer any questions you've got.

the Risk-Free

14-Day Guarantee

This is the truth…

Aesthetic Edge is the most comprehensive, step-by-step implementation programme for Aesthetic and Skincare business owners who are excited and committed to leveraging sales psychology and leaning into their competitive advantage, to sustainably grow their business with their Perfect Patients.

We aim to fill this community with helpful, motivated and super-supportive members who are working smarter, not harder. When you join, you will be a part of this special group. If you don't love it, send me the work you've done, and I'll send you a refund. The reason I ask you to send me your work is because I know if you implement what I teach, you will get results.

However, if you’re thinking of enrolling without putting in the work, we both know you won’t make any progress.

There is no 'silver bullet', but I see AMAZING success stories from people who put in the time and effort. Is this you? Do you really want to realise the dream and the financial freedom? Our community will be made up of people who take their business seriously and truly want to become destination clinicians who understand the value of working on their business, and what wonderful opportunities long-term success will bring.

These are the people I know will gain The Aesthetic Edge. Clinicians and skin care therapists who are committed to doing the work and building a thriving business.

That’s why I want you to go through the programme for 14 days, implement what I teach, and begin experiencing the benefits. This mastermind is the most complete system for creating a profitable aesthetic and skincare business… and I can’t wait to help you create yours.

Eligibility to do the course:

Aesthetic Edge is proud to be inclusive of all backgrounds as follows:

Medical Professionals using ‘injectables’ and skincare treatments and fabulous Skincare Therapists who deliver amazing skin treatments (but don’t deliver injectable treatments i.e. Filler & Botox).

(Read the full terms and conditions here)

Who is The Aesthetic Edge not for?

This isn't for everyone. This programme isn't for you if:

You're NOT ready to grow and take on more customers

Not ready to start with energy and gusto if you are new to the industry. You’re not ready to drop the blame game and take radical responsibility for the future of your business

You think that 'hoping you will get more Perfect Patients’ is a viable strategy

You’re not open to receiving support and straightforward advice

You think that you've already tried everything

You are not ready for change

You aren't willing to put in some serious time and effort

You are not prepared to do things in a new way, to get new results

You're not ready to challenge yourself and step out your comfort zone

You're looking for a quick fix, totally ‘done for you’ silver bullet or a get-rich-quick scheme. You're not committed to investing the time to implement what you learn in Aesthetic Edge. Having the knowledge is great, but it won't won't move you forward without implementation

You're looking for a basic business course. In fact, this isn't a basic ‘anything’ course at all, this is about the strategy, marketing and psychology which goes into EVERYTHING you need to help you strive - if you put in the work.

Sometimes it will feel hard - like you're still pushing that boulder up hill. Some of it will make you feel uncomfortable, but you have to do it anyway. Serious growth doesn't happen in your comfort zone, but I'm for you 24/7 when you need me, one step at a time.

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